Monitoring Changes in Coastal Mangrove Extents Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data in Selected Communes, Hai Phong City, Vietnam
- 2020-04-26 (2)
- 2020-04-26 (1)

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Mangrove forests are important and known as one of the most productive ecosystems in the tropics. They reduce the impacts of extreme events, provide important breeding grounds for aquatic species and build the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities. On the contrary, they are also known as one of the most threatened and vulnerable ecosystems worldwide, which have experienced a dramatic decline due to extensive coastal development during the last half-century. Remote sensing techniques have demonstrated a high potential to detect, identify, map, and monitor mangrove conditions and its changes, which is reflected by a large number of scientific papers published on this topic. The aim of this study was to investigate the multi-decadal changes of mangrove forests selected communes in Hai Phong city, North Vietnam, based on using Landsat and Sentinel 2 data from 2000 to 2018. The study used these continuous steps: 1) data pre-processing; 2) image classification using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; 3) accuracy assessments; and 4) multi-temporal change detection and spatial analysis of mangrove forests. The classification maps in comparison with the ground reference data showed the satisfactory agreement with the overall accuracy was higher than 80.0%. From 2000 to 2018, the areas of mangrove forests in the study regions increased by 584.2 ha in Dai Hop and Bang La communes (Region 1) and by 124.2 ha in Tan Thanh, Ngoc Xuyen and Ngoc Hai communes (Region 2), mainly due to the boom of mangrove planting projects and good mangrove management at the local community level.
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