Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
Please read the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal guidelines and follow these instructions carefully. The Editor in Chief has the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these guidelines.
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal is an international open access peer-reviewed scientific journal with a focus on an ongoing discussion related to contemporary nursing issues in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific and from comparative and international views that contribute to global nursing and health practices.
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal welcomes the submission of original studies both qualitative and quantitative, review studies, and others (brief reports, case reports, letters to editors), from assessment to evaluation during life span that contributes to the advancement of evidence-based nursing, midwifery, and healthcare by disseminating high-quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance and with potential to advance knowledge for practice, education, management or policy. For the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal’s worldwide readership, authors are expected to make clear the wider international relevance of their work and to demonstrate sensitivity to global nursing and healthcare practice.
Your article will not be published unless a Copyright Assignment Form has been signed and received by the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal. You hereby warrant that “This article is an original work, has not been published before in any form and is not being submitted for consideration or publication elsewhere, in its final form either in printed or electronic form”.
This journal adopts ethical considerations from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). COPE’s guidelines are used in confronting any ethical misbehaviour. All manuscripts should be prepared strictly in observation of the research and publication ethics guidelines recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE,
Statement of human and animal rights
All original studies involving human subjects, human materials, or human data must have been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and all studies involving human and animals must obtain approval from local, regional, or national review bodies (e.g., ethics committee, institutional review board).
Conflict-of-Interest statement
Conflict of interest exists when an author or the author’s institution, reviewer, or editor has financial, personal, political, or academic relationships that inappropriately influence or bias his or her actions. They must declare all relevant interests that could be perceived as conflicting. Each author must fill out the uniform disclosure form available through the below link and upload it at the time of submission: (
Statement of informed consent
All patients and participants in a study should be thoroughly informed about the aims of the research and any possible side effects of the drugs and intervention. Written informed consent from the participants or their legal guardians is necessary for any such studies. The Journal reserves the right to request the related documents.
Statement of institutional review board approval
Any study that includes human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible institutional review board (IRB). IRB approval code must be mentioned in the “Methods” section.
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines for authorship. All individuals who meet these criteria must be listed as authors on manuscript title pages and in the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal online submission system. Contributors who meet fewer than all criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors, but should be acknowledged.
If a manuscript contains any previous published image or text, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain authorization from copyright holders. The author is required to obtain and submit the written original permission letters for all copyrighted material used in his/her manuscripts
Open Access Policy:
CC BY-NC: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
Research and Publication Misconduct:
Publication ethics for all papers submitted to the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal is monitored. All manuscripts submitted to the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal will be checked for textual similarity using the Turnitin plagiarism checker. When any types of publication misconduct including plagiarism and copyright infringement, duplicate publication, data fabrication and falsification, and authorship disputes are found in a submitted manuscript or a published article in the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal, this journal will follow the flowchart by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE,
Editorial Independency:
The Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal benefits from editorial freedom. Our editorial policy is consistent with the principles of editorial independence presented by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
5. Submission Process
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal accept manuscripts only through the online submission system, which can be found at
Article categories
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal article types include original studies, review studies, and others (brief reports, case reports, and letters to the editor). Article format descriptions is shown in the following table.
* Words count is exclusive of the abstract, references, figures and tables.
Type of articles |
Main text (maximum words) |
Total References (max) |
Original studies |
Quantitative (3500) Mixed-method and Qualitative (4500) |
40 |
Review studies |
(4500) |
50 |
Brief reports |
(2000) |
15 |
Case reports |
(1500) |
10 |
Letters to the editors |
(800) |
6 |
Systematic reviews: Systematic reviews of RCTs or Observational Studies will be accepted by the Journal. The protocol of the study should adhere to PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews of RCTs or Observational studies, respectively. The word count should not exceed 4500 words. Up to 50 references can be stated.
Other reviews (e.g., scoping review, narrative review, integrative review): should critically assess the current knowledge of the field. The word count should not exceed 4500 words. Should contain at least 50 references.
Brief reports: Contain a non-structured abstract, 3-5 keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if applicable), and references sections, and maximum 2 tables and figures. However, the word count should not exceed 2000 words. 10-15 references should be stated.
Case reports: should optimally be accompanied by relevant figures to document findings. Informed consents should be obtained from the patients to report their cases. The Journal keeps the right to ask for original signed informed consents. Case reports should contain a non-structured abstract, 3-5 keywords, introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if applicable), and references sections, and maximum 1 table and 3 figures, and 5-10 references.
Letters to the Editor: Letters discussing articles published in the IJCBNM should be submitted at most within 4 months after the publication of the main article or discuss matters of general scientific or medical interest to readers of IJCBNM. Letters will undergo peer review and will be edited for clarity. Letters should be less than 800 words. Up to 6 references should be stated.
Manuscript Preparation
CONSORT for randomized controlled trials
TREND for non-randomized trials
PRISMA for systematic review and meta-analyses
CARE for case reports
STROBE for observational studies
COREQ for qualitative studies
Tables: Every table must have a descriptive title. Each must be cited in order which appear in the text, and must be typed double-spaced and numbered with Arabic numerals. Tables should be standalone and should not duplicate information in the text of the paper. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table. For footnotes, use the following symbols, in this sequence: a, b, c, etc.
Figures: Figures should be provided only if they improve the article. The preferred formats for illustrations are JPG (JPEG), GIF, and TIFF files (600 dpi or higher). Colour photographs, if found to improve the article, would be published at no extra-charge at the print version of the journal. Legends must accompany each illustration and should be typed on a separate page.
(1) the conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,
(2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content,
(3) final approval of the version to be submitted.
Everyone who meets these criteria should be listed as an author.
You will be asked to confirm this on submission. Other individuals who made substantial contributions that fall short of the criteria for authorship (e.g., collecting data, providing language help, writing assistance or proofreading the article) should not be listed as authors but should be mentioned in acknowledgements as 'contributors' at the end of the manuscript with their contribution specified
Listed below are sample references.
Article Journals
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
Edited books
Kesharwani, P. (Ed.). (2020). Nanotechnology based approaches for tuberculosis treatment. Academic Press.
Torino, G. C., Rivera, D. P., Capodilupo, C. M., Nadal, K. L., & Sue, D. W. (Eds.). (2019). Microaggression theory: Influence and implications. John Wiley & Sons.
For more details guidelines, please visit:
Contributions should be in either American or British English language. The text must be clear and concise, conforming to accepted standards of English style and usage. Non-native English speakers may be advised to seek professional help with the language. All materials should be typed in double line spacing numbered pages. Abbreviations should be standard and must be defined at first use. Units of measurement must conform to the International System (SI) of Units. The editorial office has the right to edit the submitted manuscripts in order to comply with the journal’s style. In any case, the authors are responsible for the published material.
Double Blinded Peer Review Process
After submission a manuscript, a submission code will be allocated and all the future contacts should be based on this code. First, an assessment will be made to ensure the manuscript meets the formal criteria specified in the Instructions for Authors and that it fits within the scope of the journal. After that, the articles are evaluated by our statisticians who check the articles for any methodological flaws. Then Through a double-blind review, the articles will be reviewed by at least two external (peer) reviewers. Their comments will be passed to the authors and their responses to the comments along with the reviewers’ comments will then be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, and a final reviewer who can be a member of the Editorial Board. The final review process will be discussed in regular editorial board sessions and on the basis of the comments. The Editor-in-Chief will decide which articles should be published. Manuscripts submitted by the staff and editors of the Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal will also be reviewed by peer reviewers and the editor plays no role in the review or decision.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
The APC is mandatory only for original and review studies (Rp. 500.000,00 or USD 50). Payment should only be paid upon acceptance of the study in this journal. Invited articles are exempt from article chargers. However, all articles are submitted up to 31 December 2022 are waived from APC.
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