Partition Dimension of the Sum Product of Complete Graph K_1 and Saw Graph GR_n


  • Jusmawati Massalesse Departemen Matematika, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Dermawan Departments of Mathematics, Hasanuddin University, Makassar - Indonesia
  • Naimah Departments of Mathematics, Hasanuddin University, Makassar - Indonesia



partition dimension, sum product of graph, complete graph, saw graph, equivalent vertices, level vertices


Let   and  let denote the distance between dan . The distance of  to a subset  is denote by  where  Furthermore, suppose   is an ordered partition with  for  then the representation of a vertex  with respect to  is the ordered k-tuple dinoted by . The partition  is called a distinguishing partition of  if  for every .   A distinguishing partition of  with the smallest cardinality is called the minimum distinguishing partition of , and its cardinality is called the partition dimension of . The purpose of this study is to determine the partition dimension of the join graph  and . By applying the concepts of equivalent vertices and vertices of the same level, it is shown that the partition dimension of the graph  is  where  is a natural number.


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How to Cite

Massalesse, J., Saputra, D., & Aris, N. (2025). Partition Dimension of the Sum Product of Complete Graph K_1 and Saw Graph GR_n. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 21(2), 573–582.



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