Analysis of User Sentiment of Twitter to Draft KUHP
Draft of KUHP, Twitter, Text Mining, Sentiment AnalysisAbstract
Twitter is one of social media where its user can share many responses for a phenomenon through a tweet. This research used 5000 tweets from Twitter users in Bahasa Indonesia with keyword “RUU KUHP(Draft Law of KUHP)” from 16th of September until 22nd of September 2019. That tweets were processed using Rstudio software with sentiment analysis that is one of Text Mining methods. This research aims to classify Twitter users’ responses to RUU KUHP to be negative sentiment, poisitive negative, and neutral. Also, this research also aims to know about topics’ frequencies that were related to RUU KUHP through visualization with bar plot and also wordcloud. This research also aims to know words that are associated with the most frequent words. Form this research, can be known that Twitter users’ responses to RUU KUHP tend to have neutral sentiment that means they did not take side between agreeing or disagreeing. From this research, also can be known about 10 most frequent words, there are kpk, tunda, dpr, pasal, kesal, jokowi, presiden, masuk, ya, and sahkan. Beside that, can be known the other words that are associated with them and also their probability.
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