Antenatal Yoga and Murottal Al-Quran Therapy Decreasing Anxiety and Blood Pressure of Preeclampsia Risk Women




Anxiety, preeclampsia, blood pressure, yoga , Al-Qur’an


Pregnant women experience significant changes in physiological and
psychological functions. The process of adjusting to this new condition often
causes anxiety. One of the pregnancy complications that is affected by anxiety is
preeclampsia. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of antenatal
yoga and murottal Al-Quran therapy on pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia.
This study was conducted in primary health care in Majalengka, Indonesia, using
true experiment (pretest-posttest control group) design as many 40 respondents
divided into 4 groups, Antenatal Yoga (AY), the Murottal Al-Qur’an Therapy
(MAT), combination of yoga and murottal al-Quran, and control group.
Respondents were taken by cluster and simple random sampling. The anxiety,
blood pressure, sFlt-1, and PIGF levels of all respondents were measured after 12
interventions. Data were analyzed with Kruskall-Wallis and One-way Anova tests.
The antenatal yoga, murottal Al-Qur'an therapy, and its combination significantly
decrease anxiety (p=0.007), systole (p=0.006), and diastole (p=0.001) in pregnant
women with the risk of preeclampsia. There were no significant differences of
sFlt-1 (p=0.286), PIGF (p=680) and ratio of sFlt-1/PIGF (p=969) among groups.
The antenatal yoga, Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy, and it's combination effect
decreasing anxiety and blood pressure in pregnant women with the risk of
preeclampsia in Majalengka.

Author Biographies

Mamlukah Mamlukah, STIKes Kuningan

Public Health Program

Isti Kumalasari, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Faculty of Sport Education and Health

Rizky Setiadi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur

Nursing department


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How to Cite

Mamlukah, M., Kumalasari, I., & Setiadi, R. (2020). Antenatal Yoga and Murottal Al-Quran Therapy Decreasing Anxiety and Blood Pressure of Preeclampsia Risk Women. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 16(4), 410–420.




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