Efektifitas Program Suplementasi Zat Besi pada Remaja Putri di Kota Bogor
Prevalence of anemia in adolescent girl was still high. The iron supplementation program for improving
the iron status, but this program is not always successfully to reducing prevalence anemia. The objective was to
analyzed factor that influenced succesfully of iron supplementation program at the adolescent girls. A quasi experiment
pre-post intervention design was applied in female student at Bogor City between September 2016 until
January 2017 run by the Health Office of Bogor City. A number of 172 adolescent girls (aged 10-18 years) participated
in the study from 4 school in Bogor City. Blood was collected through fingerthick and analyzed with cyanmethemoglobin
method. The result showed that prevalence of anaemia (Hb <12g/dl) was found to be 20.7% and
decreased by 5.2% after four month of supplementation. The logistic regression analyses showed that status before
supplementation was factor that affect improve of haemoglobin level (p<0.05;OR=3.52;CI95%=1.40-8.85). The
iron supplementation program in Bogor city did not effective.
Full text article
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