Workshop, blended learning, learning activitiesAbstract
The problem encountered at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya is that teachers still need to develop the skills to design, compose, and provide for implementing blended learning. The problems faced by SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya were overcome by providing a blended learning activity design workshop for optimizing learning resources at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya. This activity is designed for five months, from July to November 2022. The activity scenario consists of three steps. The first step is an introduction to the concept of blended learning activity design and the components that support it. Second, introducing the LMS platform as a communication medium between teachers and students while implementing blended learning, how the LMS system works, the available features, and steps to use the LMS. In the third step, the teachers submit a blended learning activity. The indicator of the workshop's success for teachers at SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya is that each teacher at least produces a blended learning activity plan and can simulate it. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, there is a difference in knowledge between before and after the workshop. This means that, through this training, teachers can design blended learning activities that can be utilized and applied in learning. Applying this activity design can create a learning atmosphere and actively increase student involvement. --- Permasalahan yang ditemui di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya bahwa guru-guru belum memiliki keterampilan untuk merancang, mengkomposisikan serta menyediakan kebutuhan dalam penyelenggaraan pembelajaran secara blended learning. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya diatasi dengan memberikan workshop desain aktivitas blended learning untuk optimalisasi sumberdaya pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya. Kegiatan ini dirancang dalam waktu lima bulan, mulai dari Juli-November 2022. Skenario kegiatan terdiri dari tiga langkah. Langkah pertama adalah pengenalan konsep desain aktivitas blended learning dan komponen yang mendukungnya. Kedua, pengenalan platform LMS sebagai media komunikasi guru dengan siswa selama menerapkan blended learning dan bagaimana sistem kerja LMS, fitur-fitur yang tersedia dan langkah menggunakan LMS tersebut. Langkah ketiga, guru-guru menyerahkan rancangan aktivitas blended learning. Indikator keberhasilan workshop bagi guru-guru di SMAN 1 Koto Baru Dharmasraya ini adalah setiap guru minimal menghasilkan sebuah rancangan aktivitas blended learning serta mampu mensimulasikannya. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test, terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan antara sebelum dan setelah workhshop. Ini berarti bahwa melalui pelatihan ini, guru-guru mampu merancang aktivitas blended learning yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Penerapan rancangan aktivitas ini mampu menciptakan suasana belajar dan meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa secara aktif.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ulfia Rahmi, Winanda Amilia, Bayu Ramadhani Fajri, Silvia Rahmadini, Azrul Azrul

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