About the Journal

Zona Laut: Journal of Ocean Science and Technology Innovation | e-ISSN: 2721-5717 ; p-ISSN: 2747-2124

Developing and processing marine natural resources require multidisciplinary cooperation, where these disciplines play a significant role in making Indonesia the world's maritime axis. Therefore, innovation and synergy are needed to produce research on marine technology by universities, research institutions, and industries that can contribute to this issue. The Zona Laut aims to be a forum for comprehensively channelling thoughts and bright and constructive ideas so that it becomes part of proposed solutions for developing Indonesia's Maritime Resources.

In addition, the Journal of Zona Laut aims to answer whether research on maritime technology by universities, research institutions, and industry can contribute to Maritime issues. This contribution is expected to exchange information, experiences, and thoughts and strengthen cooperation networks between institutions, institutions, and industries on a national/international scale. So that there is a network of scientific communication between researchers, industry, and education.

Focus and Scope

The focus of the Zona Laut Writing, namely:
1. Offshore Building Technology and Engineering
2. Fishery and Marine Product Building Design
3. Marine Transportation Management and Shipping Technology Applications
4. Renewable Ocean Energy
5. Marine Control and Systems
6. Advanced Marine Materials
7. Port Management and Coastal HR Development
8. Oceanography and Coastal Engineering
9. Coastal and Marine Environment Disasters

Publishing Frequency

The Department of Ocean Engineering publishes ZONALAUT, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University Makassar, every year in March, July, and November. Reviewers have reviewed manuscripts approved for publication, and the abstract is free to download via our website.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge exchange.

Review Process

This journal is peer-reviewed. All reviewers are Bestari Partners

Author Instractions