Identifikasi Peran Keluarga Penderita dalam Upaya Penanganan Gangguan Jiwa Skizofrenia


  • Rosdiana Rosdiana Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda



Peran, Keluarga, Skizofrenia


Schizophrenia is a description of the syndrome with a variety of causes and course of the disease are widespread,
as well as some of the consequences that depend on the balance of genetic and socio-cultural influences.
This study aims to identify the role of families of patients in Handling People with schizophrenia. Qualitative research
method with phenomenology approach through interviews, observation and documentation to 6 informants.
The results showed that families are able to make the right decisions and take advantage of the health facility by
delivering the patient to the health center or hospital even though it was quite far away, but the family has a wrong
assumption, that the hospital where care is good for patients, so the lack of family support when patients run the
program in a mental hospital. Family didn’t know the different causes, symptoms and since when the patient begins
to experience schizophrenia, the families also do not know how to treat and modify the environment to be able to
support the recovery people with of schizophrenia. The conclusion of this study are the ignorance of the family in
providing support while the person running the program in a psychiatric hospital, ignorance family in the know,
understand, maintain and modify the environment that leads to relapse, even worse schizophrenias experienced by
patients in Sebakung Jaya Health Center.


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