Estimating Fishing Seasons for Scads in Barru District: An Approach for Efficiency and Effectiveness Fishing Business of Management
IMP , Fishing season pattern, Oceanographic conditions , Scads, Time series CPUE dataAbstract
With a coastline of about 78 km, the potential for capture fisheries in the waters of Barru Regency is very
prospective, especially for several groups of purse seine fishermen for kite fishing. This study aims to estimate
the pattern of scads fishing season in Barru Waters, and to simply describe an effective fishing management
instrument. This study used CPUE time series data (catch per unit effort) from the Marine Fisheries Agency of
Barru Regency in 2017-2020 and interviews with several purse seine fishermen in the last year of 2021. In
addition, simple satellite imageries of sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a were also used to
describe environmental conditions during the peak fishing season for the study period June-August 2021. The
CPUE moving average time series analysis was used to calculate the fishing season index (IMP). The results
showed that the peak season for scads fishing occurred in the east season around Barru coastal Waters,
especially in June. This condition may correspond to warm temperatures, and relatively high chlorophyll
concentrations. Such conditions create potential fishing grounds for scads fishery along the study area. This
information on scads fishing season is very helpful in improving the quality of management of small pelagic
fisheries in Barru and surrounding waters particularly, when is the best time to increase the fishing efforts.
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