Application of Composite Hanging Breakwater as a Pool Protector for Bantaeng Harbor

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Chairul Paotonan
Hasdinar Umar
Sabaruddin Rahman
Achmad Yasir Baeda
Muhammad Arsyad Thaha
Wasir Samad
Muhammad Aksar


Bantaeng Port already has a dock for the loading and unloading goods and passengers. The problem is, the port cannot be operated optimally because of the large wave height at the dock so that the loading and unloading process is not optimal. The Bantaeng Port Master Plan document recommends the construction of a breakwater. One type of breakwater that can be applied is hanging breakwater. This study analyzes the dimensions of hanging breakwater based on environmental data. The study began by collecting data on deep-sea waves and related documents. Deep sea waves are analyzed to obtain wave parameters at the building site. This structure will be placed at a depth of 20 m. After the wave parameters at the location of the structure are known, then calculate the transmission coefficient using the equation developed by previous researchers [2]. The transmition coefficient is further used to calculate the wave behind the structure. The wave behind the structure must be smaller or equal to the required wave height [3]. The results obtained shows that the higher the wave in front of the building is Hi = 1.79 m, the wave height behind the structure is required is Ht = 0.7 m and the transmission coefficient is Kt = 0.8. The width of the building in the direction of wave propagation can be calculated using the equation L= 46.757e-0.08D.


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How to Cite
Paotonan, C., Umar, H., Rahman, S., Baeda, A. Y., Thaha, M. A., Samad, W., & Aksar, M. (2023). Application of Composite Hanging Breakwater as a Pool Protector for Bantaeng Harbor. Zona Laut Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan, 4(3), 318–327.
Offshore Building Technology and Engineering


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