We are delighted to announce that Forest and Society is currently collaborating with the Forest and Society Research Group (FSRG), Faculty of Forestry, University of Hasanuddin, Indonesia, to initiate the 1st Forest and Society International Conference (FSIC). 

The Forest and Society International Conference (FSIC 1, 2024) offers an arena to (re)consider forest and forest-related issues through interdisciplinary approaches. The FSIC I 2024 is a hybrid event that tackles cross-cutting issues related to forest frontiers and brings together international scholars from various countries and disciplines. It is an avenue for open research exchange and critical discussions.

The conference welcomes papers that discuss various themes related to a continuum between wellbeing and inequality in forest frontiers. They may range from livelihoods, land use, environmental justice, ecosystem services, forest governance, decolonization, territorialization, to indigeneity, as well as interaction between them.

Should you be interested in this conference, here are the important dates to note:

  • Call for abstracts/papers: 1 May – 30 June 2024
  • Selected abstract/papers notification: 7 May – 5 July 2024
  • Full Paper Submission: 21 May – 15 July 2024
  • Registration fee: 7 July 2024
  • Main event: 27 July 2024


For more detailed information, please visit the official website of the FSIC I 2024 here.