Mangrove Forest Restoration by Fisheries Communities in Lampung Bay: A study based on perceptions, willingness to pay, and management strategy

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Mangroves provide benefits and various services to local communities living along coastal areas, particularly fishery communities. Fishery community perceptions are significant in determining attitudes towards improving mangrove conditions, which can also be addressed through restoration activities. This research was conducted to analyze fisheries communities perceptions, willingness to pay (WTP) for mangroves restoration, and mangrove forest management strategies. Field surveys were conducted from July-August 2019 and February-March 2020. Primary data were collected from respondents in four regions (Kalianda Regency, South Lampung Regency, Bandar Lampung City, and Pesawaran Regency) in Lampung Province, Indonesia, which consist of fishers, shrimp farmers, crab and wood seekers, and finfish farmers. The respondents were 193 people, and four experts were involved in the policy scenario analysis. Results revealed a gap in the value of WTP among fishery community groups, in which the average value for fishers is lower than shrimp farmers. The years of formal education significantly influenced the WTP for mangrove restoration. Based on the scenario analysis, scenario 01 become a priority strategy, where four policies (P1 = Mangrove ecotourism development in Lampung Bay; P2 = Mangrove knowledge education and training on processing mangrove based products; P3 = Restoration and conservation of mangrove forests; and P4 = Community-based management for mangrove forests utilization) show high likelihoods to be simultaneously implemented for mangroves management, with mangrove ecotourism policy as the most decisive policy. For future research, other explanatory variables can be added, such as information on family member characteristics, and to develop a bottom-up policy scenario by identifying and involving the role of the local community.
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