Urban Green Space Analysis and its Effect on the Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Denpasar City, Bali

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The Urbanization process in Indonesia’s big cities causes adverse environmental impacts such as climate change and land cover change. Urban climate change causes the warming of urban areas compared to rural areas; it is called Urban Heat Island phenomenon. Loss of vegetation due to urban development is one of several causes that contribute to urban heat islands. This study examines the availability of green spaces and their effects on the surface urban heat island in Denpasar city. This study used the spatial approach for Urban Green space mapping with digitizing methods. Landsat 8's thermal band is used for land surface temperature mapping and to conduct a spatial pattern analysis of the SUHI phenomena. The Global Moran’s Index and Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) were used to determine the correlation between urban green space and SUHI. The study result shows that Denpasar City's urban green space area covers 28.22 km2. That's equal to 22.1% of the Denpasar City Administrative area. Denpasar Selatan district has the largest urban green space cover, with 14.19 km2 covered, or 50.27% of all the green space in Denpasar City. The majority of Denpasar is affected by UHI occurrences, except the northern region of North Denpasar and the southern region of South Denpasar. The maximum UHI level reaches 4-5°C, located on the east side of South Denpasar, especially in the Sanur coastal area. According to the spatial pattern study, the association between urban green space and SUHI only exists on the north side of Denpasar. The correlation between low-SUHI intensity clusters and high cover of green space is shown in the same area. However, the association between High-UHI intensity and low green space cover has not significantly happened. It indicated that other factors besides green space could affect the land surface temperature.
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