This issue features ten research articles and one book review. Readers can find varied topics such as traditional ecological knowledge, food security, land use scenarios, social impact of palm oil development, boom and bust commodities, peatland fire regime, urban green space analysis, ethno-conservation, and adaptation to maladaptation.

Published: Jan 9, 2023

Will Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Vanish? Assessing Persistence of the Celako kemali in Farming Practices among the Serawainese in Bengkulu, Indonesia

Jan 11, 2023
Panji Suminar
Read Statistic: 746

Impact and Mitigation Measures of COVID-19 towards Food Security Through Participation in Forest Management by Community in Sook, Keningau District, Sabah

Jan 26, 2023
Vilaretti Atin, Walter Lintangah
Read Statistic: 828

New land governance models and management scenarios: Fitting Forest Management Units (FMUs) for forested landscapes outside forest zones in Indonesia

Feb 7, 2023
Muhammad Haidar Daulay, Fitria Dewi Susanti, Dwi Laraswati, Erliza C. Arthalina, Ahmad Maryudi
Read Statistic: 747

Reverse Social Impact of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion: A Study of Three Communities in Jambi, Indonesia

Feb 24, 2023
Pahmi Pahmi, Budhi Gunawan, Johan Iskandar, Rini Soemarwoto
Read Statistic: 1165

Peatland fire regime across Riau peat hydrological unit, Indonesia

Feb 28, 2023
Annuri Rossita, Rizaldi Boer, Lars Hein, Dodik Nurrochmat, Akhmad Riqqi
Read Statistic: 579

Living through crises due to successive commodity booms and busts: Investigating the changing peasants' farming style in rural Indonesia

Mar 9, 2023
Muchlas Dharmawan Tualle, A. Mujetahid, Muhammad Dassir, Nurhady Sirimorok, A. Khalid Muhammad, Andi Vika Faradiba Muin, Aryo Dwi Prasetyo
Read Statistic: 961

Estimation and Mapping Above-Ground Mangrove Carbon Stock Using Sentinel-2 Data Derived Vegetation Indices in Benoa Bay of Bali Province, Indonesia

Mar 13, 2023
A. A. Md. Ananda Putra Suardana, Nanin Anggraini, Muhammad Rizki Nandika, Kholifatul Aziz, Abd. Rahman As-syakur, Azura Ulfa, Agung Dwi Wijaya, Wiji Prasetio, Gathot Winarso, Ratih Dewanti
Read Statistic: 1822

Ethno-conservation of New Guinea Singing Dog among Tribes in Pegunungan Tengah, Papua, Indonesia

Mar 19, 2023
Arni Syawal, Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Lies Rahayu Wijayanti Faida, Elieser Viktor Sirami, Esti Gesang Setyadi, Pratita Puradyatmika, Rendy Enggar Suwandi, Muhammad Ali Imron
Read Statistic: 963

Urban Green Space Analysis and its Effect on the Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Denpasar City, Bali

Apr 4, 2023
I Kade Alfian Kusuma Wirayuda, Prima Widayani, Andung Bayu Sekaranom
Read Statistic: 1152

Adaptation From Maladaptation: A Case study of Community-Based Initiatives of the Saddang Watershed

Apr 13, 2023
Naufal Naufal, Muh. Faisal Mappiasse, Muhammad Ilham Nasir
Read Statistic: 991
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