Woven generalized fusion frame in Hilbert $C^{\ast}-$module


  • Fakhr-dine Nhari Dhar El Mahraz University, Morocco
  • Mohamed Rossafi Dhar El Mahraz University, Morocco




Fusion frame, g-fusion frame, woven g-fusion frame, $C^{\ast}$-algebras, Hilbert $C^{\ast}$-modules


The notion of weaving was recently proposed to simulate a question in distributed signal processing and wireless sensor networks.
In this paper we introduced the notion of a woven $g-$fusion frame in Hilbert $C^{\ast}-$modules, also we gives some properties. Finallly we study perturbation of weaving $g-$fusion frames.


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How to Cite

Nhari, F.- dine, & Rossafi, M. (2022). Woven generalized fusion frame in Hilbert $C^{\ast}-$module. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 19(1), 109–123. https://doi.org/10.20956/j.v19i1.21791



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