Analisis Status Hidrasi dan Asupan Zat Gizi Serta Air pada Ibu Hamil

Erry Yudhya Mulyani (1), Hardinsyah Hardinsyah (2), Dodik Briawan (3), Budi Iman Santoso (4)
(1) Esa Unggul University, Indonesia,
(2) Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia,
(3) Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia,
(4) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Pregnancy is a specific physiological period, which is the nutritional requirements increase more than those
of normal condition. About 50-70% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, it was affects to the lack of
nutrient intake for mothers and infants. The sustainability of mother’s condition can cause an imbalance of body fluid
which has impact on the mother’s hydration status. The aims of this study were to analyze the relationship between characteristics,
socio-economic, nutritional status, nutritional intake and water with hydration status. This study was a cross
sectional study, conducted on the area of primary of public health at Kebon Jeruk Regency, West Jakarta. The subject
were pregnant women who in the second trimester, examined pregnancy in the study area amounted to 107 subjects.
Independent t-test and chi-square test were used to analyzed the data. Subjects were divided into two groups based on
hydration status from urin osmolality concentration; normal and hypohydrated. The average of urine osmolality in the
hypohydration group and normal, were 838.78±172.35 mOsm/Kg and 268.05±116.64 mOsm/Kg, respectively. Subject’s
characteristics (age, gestational age, body weight, height, nutritional status before pregnancy, upper arm circumference,
waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure) did not differ between two groups (p≥0.05). There were no relationship
between edu- cation of mothers and fathers, employment status of mothers and fathers, household expenditure,
and mother’s know-ledge (p≥0.05). There were differences of energy, carbohydrate and zinc intake between two groups
(p<0.05), but didn’t found differences intake of (protein, fat, calcium, iron, folic acid) and water between two groups
(p≥0.05). However, the mother should more attention to fulfil their nutrients and water intakes to support the foetus

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Erry Yudhya Mulyani (Primary Contact)
Hardinsyah Hardinsyah
Dodik Briawan
Budi Iman Santoso
Mulyani, E. Y., Hardinsyah, H., Briawan, D., & Santoso, B. I. (2018). Analisis Status Hidrasi dan Asupan Zat Gizi Serta Air pada Ibu Hamil. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 14(3), 225–232.

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