Komitmen Politik dan Peluang Pengembangan Kebijakan Gizi Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
East Nusa Tenggara is one of the regions in Indonesia with highest prevalence of malnutrition. Many
studies had identified that political commitment is one of important reason for the low priority of malnutrition
interventions and knowing the policy windows of opportunity could help to advance a new issue and solution. This
study aims to assess political commitment and opportunities to advance nutrition policy reform. This research is
a descriptive using primary and secondary data. Primary data collected using PCOM-RAT questionnaire, a rapid
assessment tool for identifying political commitment and policy windows of opportunity. The informants were from
NTT Health Office, NTT Development Planning Agency, health academics, and NTT representative of UNICEF
who involved in nutrition policy planning from government and non-government. Data were analyzed descriptively
toward the result scoring. Results showed that political leaders had verbally and symbolically committed
to addressing nutrition problem, but lack of budgetary alocation. Media identified for being incomprehension in
reporting nutrition problem without any credible indicators and a well thought-out policy alternative were present
but still had no feasibility to be implemented.
Full text article
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