The Pattern Recognition of Small-Scale Privately-Owned Forest in Ciamis Regency, West Java, Indonesia

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Small-scale Privately-owned Forest (SSPF) has various patterns identification, based on the stand structure and species composition. The recognition and classification of the SSPF cropping patterns are required for further planning and policy development. Therefore, this study aims to classify the cropping pattern of SSPF in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. The data were collected by observing the stand structure and species composition of 150 plots of land, encompassing three Sub-districts representing the central, northern, and southern regions of Ciamis Regency. The four categorical variables include tree species composition, age, spatial distribution, and intercropping pattern. While the two continuous variables were stand density and basal area. The patterns obtained were classified based on a Two-Step Cluster algorithm with log-likelihood distance measure, and auto clustering using Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion, validated by silhouette index. In addition, a multicollinearity test was conducted to reduce redundancy in using variable sets. The results showed that, the improvement of the cluster quality based on the silhouette index value, was achievable by excluding the tree spatial distribution variable, which exhibits multicollinearity. The cropping patterns were classified into three categories, namely tree crops, mixed-tree lots, and agrisilviculture for group-1, group-2, and group-3, respectively. Group-1 consisted of stands with one or two commercial tree species, and in several cases, were intercropped. Group-2 contained uneven-aged mixed-tree stands without any crops. While Group-3 consisted of an intercropping system of uneven-aged mixed-tree stands and crops. The results suggest further analysis, in order to relate the cropping patterns with the socio-economic characteristics of the landowners, as well as the strategies for the development of a sustainable SSPF.
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