Pengaruh Kebiasaan Konsumsi Sayur, Buah dan Perokok Pasif terhadap Kapasitas Antioksidan Total Ibu Hamil
The availability of antioxidants during pregnancy were decreases with increasing of gestational age
and influenced by environmental factors such as exposure to cigarette smoke and consumption habits of vegetables
and fruits. A cross sectional study with pregnant mothers (20-26 months pregnant) non-anemia as many as
70 people selected by purposive sampling. Total Antioxidant Capacity (KAT) was measured using Elisa method
(enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay), vegetable and fruit consumption habits collected with Food Frequency
Questionaire (FFQ) and smoking habits using interviews. The results showed around 37,1% of pregnant women
were passive smokers and rarely consume vegetables and fruits (>60,0%). The mean KAT of pregnant women
reached 2,73±1,48 mmol/l. KAT of passive smokers are significantly lower than non-passive smokers (p=0,038).
In General pregnant women who often consume vegetables and fruits have a higher KAT. However, a higher KAT
was significantly found in pregnant women who frequently consumed green mustard greens (p=0,049), green bean
leaves (p=0,002), apples (p=0,007) and papaya (p=0,029). Exposure to cigarette smoke and less consumption of
vegetables and fruits have lower KAT in pregnant women. Pregnant women should increase consumption of vegetables
and fruits and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Full text article
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