Tingkat Risiko Psikologis Karyawan ATC di Salah Satu Cabang Air NAV Indonesia

Lalu Muhammad Saleh (1)
(1) Hasanuddin University, Indonesia


Air Traffic Controller (ATC) is a profession that serves as an air traffic guide who has a high level of stress
in work. ATC works put forward the brain so that mental burden can occur. This study aims to see how far the level
of psychological risk factor ATC in work and hazard what causes it. The sample of research is ATC employees in
Makassar Air Traffic Service Center which amounted to 35 people. Data collection using questionnaire and risk
measurement using risk assessment matrix according to AS/NZS 4360 standard. The results showed that the highest
level of risk that could affect the psychological aspects in work is due to work patterns 3 working days 1 rest
day, the lack of number of friends in work, number of planes observed, cold temperatures. The conclusion of the
study was that ATC employees had psychological risks due to the work pattern 3-1, lack of friends, large numbers
of aircraft, and cold temperatures. It is advisable to the management to immediately increase the amount of ATC
power, and provide work clothes as a protector of cold temperatures.

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Lalu Muhammad Saleh
lalums@unhas.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Hasanuddin University

occupational health and safety
Saleh, L. M. (2018). Tingkat Risiko Psikologis Karyawan ATC di Salah Satu Cabang Air NAV Indonesia. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 14(4), 345–350. https://doi.org/10.30597/mkmi.v14i4.5206

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