Pengaruh Perilaku Ibu Selama Kehamilan terhadap Status Kehamilan yang Tidak Diinginkan di Indonesia
Unwanted pregnancy status occurs because the mother have not ready to get pregnant and will the
impact on maternal behavior during pregnancy made mother tend to less doing the antenatal care visits, or
prenatal care visits. This study aims to know the effect of maternal behavior during pregnancy towards unwanted
pregnancy status. This study is a quantitative with using cross-sectional study design. The population is all
pregnant women from 2017 IDHS survey in Indonesia of 1990 women, analyzed with univariate, bivariate and
multivariate. The results of the research showed women who having unwanted pregnancy of 12.8% and there are
relationship between maternal behavior during pregnancy (p=0.0001;OR=39,640) with unwanted pregnancy,
after controlled age at pregnancy and parity. The probability of mothers who not doing ANC visit, parity >3
and age at pregnancy <20 or >35 years having unwanted pregnancy status by 55%. Conclusion of this study
is that there are effect maternal behavior during pregnancy (ANC visits) towards unwanted pregnancy status.
Full text article
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