The Motives of Violence in the Novel Perempuan Kamar By Agus Subakir
Literary work, Motives, Novels, Structuralism., Victims, ViolenceAbstract
This study aims to reveal the motive for the occurrence of violence in the novel Perempuan Kamar by Agus Subakir. This novel is written in Indonesian and includes works of interest. It was firstly published in 2020. The data collection method used in this study is the literature study method. The data of this research are in the form of pieces of texts from works that show violence. The data analysis method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The type of data that will be used in this research is in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that have a direct relationship with the motive for the occurrence of violence in the novel. The results showed that there were two or three motives for the occurrence of violence, namely (1) a sense of hatred towards the victim, (2) an unfulfilled excessive obsession, and (3) a lack of resistance from the victim.
Based on the sociological study of literature that has been carried out on the novel Perempuan Kamar by Agus Subakir, it can be concluded that the novel Perempuan Kamar by Agus Subakir describes incidents of violence committed against the main character, which in this case is a female character. it is not just one form and occurs repeatedly. The occurrence of violence is certainly motivated by different motives. In the novel, it is found that there are three motives for violence against the main character, in this case, Srebrenika. The results showed that the motives for the violence were (1) hatred for the main character, (2) an unfulfilled excessive obsession, and (3) a lack of resistance by victims of violence. The implication of this research is that awareness arises not to commit violence against women.
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