Estimation of Above-Ground Mangrove Biomass Using Landsat-8 Data- Derived Vegetation Indices: A Case Study in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam

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This study aimed to map the status of mangrove forests over the coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City in Quang Ninh Province by using 2019 Landsat-8 imagery. It then developed the AGB estimation model of mangrove forests based on the AGB estimation-derived plots inventory and vegetation indices-derived from Landsat-8 data. As results, there were five land covers identified, including mangrove forests, other vegetation, wetlands, built-up, and water, with the overall accuracy assessments of 80.0% and Kappa coefficient of 0.74. The total extent of mangrove forests was estimated at 4291.2 ha. The best AGB estimation model that was selected to estimate the AGB and AGC of mangrove forests for the whole coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City is AGB= 30.38 + 911.95*SAVI (R2=0.924, PValue <0.001). The model validation assessment has confirmed that the selected AGB model can be applied to Hai Ha and Mong Cai coasts with the mean difference between AGB observed and AGB predicted at 16.0 %. This satisfactory AGB model also suggests a good potential for AGB and AGC mapping, which offer the carbon trading market in the study site. As the AGB model selected, the total AGB and AGC of mangrove forests were estimated at about 14,600,000 tons and 6,868,076 tons with a range of from 94.0 - 432.0 tons ha-1, from 44.2 - 203.02 tons ha-1, respectively. It also suggests that the newly-developed AGB model of mangrove forests can be used to estimate AGC stocks and carbon sequestration of mangrove forests for C-PFES in over the coasts of Hai Ha District and Mong Cai City, which is a very importantly financial source for mangrove forest managers, in particular for local mangrove protectors.
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