Numerical Studies Fatigue Damage From Material Variations Catenary Mooring System FPSO Al Zaafarana
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When operating, the FPSO receives environmental loads in the form of currents, wind and waves so mooring ropes are required (mooring line). Mooring line is a way to dampen the movement of the Al Zaafarana FPSO which allows it to move freely in the direction of the load. However, several cases of mooring rope accidents occurred including material fatigue of 20%, deployment 17%, and corrosion 11%. So the aim of this research is to analyze motion trajectory (surge and sway), mooring line stress, and deterministic fatigue on mooring line so you get it fatigue damage material catenary mooring line for FPSO Al Zaafarana. Thus, it is hoped that this research can make a scientific contribution in improving the quality and safety of materials mooring line for the Al Zaafarana FPSO, as well as increasing the efficiency of the oil drilling process. This research method uses a numerical study approach as a secondary data source with modeling and simulation using software as well as literature analysis that will support the numerical simulation results. From the results of numerical studies obtained fatigue damage The highest is the material type chain for FPSO Al Zaafarana. One of the reasons is that the mass of the rope is not proportional to the displacement of the ship, so a larger mass of rope is needed or an increase in the number of ropes. In addition, the numerical study simulation only uses 100 seconds so that the movement process only reaches movement transient namely temporary changes that occur in the transition phase before reaching a stable condition.
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