
  • Environmental and Public Health Maritime Journal

    Environmental and Public Health Maritime Journal (EPHMJ)
  • NAWA: Journal of Japanese Studies

    NAWA: Journal of Japanese Studies is published by Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University. This journal is published twice a year, in March and September.

    Focus and Scope

    This journal publishes research articles on Japanese Studies, including Japanese Linguistics and Education, History and Culture, and Literature. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, and university students. The articles contribute to strengthening critical approaches, increasing the quality of critique, or encouraging innovative methodologies.

  • Bambu Laut: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    Bambu Laut : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal pengembangan dan penerapan Ipteks yang memuat publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Jurnal ini memuat hasil-hasil penghiliran penelitian pada bidang seperti berikut:

    -  Agromaritim
    -  Medikal
    -  Teknosains
    -  Sosial Budaya Humaniora.

    Bambu Laut: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat pertama kali terbit pada tahun 2024 dan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Hasanuddin. Bambu Laut: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat diterbitkan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober. Bambu Laut: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal nasional yang terdaftar pada Pusat Nasional ISSN Indonesia Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) dengan Nomor SK : 30474604/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/05/2024. 

    E-ISSN : 3047 - 4604


  • Tamalanrea: Journal of Government and Development (JGD)

    ISSN 3047-4116 (Online)

    Tamalanrea: Journal of Government and Development (JGD) provides a forum for the theoretical and practical discussion of government, public institutions, public policy, and development. Our journal, in association with the Department of Government Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University, prioritizes a local and global approach to public policy and development. Irrespective of empirical orientation, all papers should have wider theoretical, comparative, or practical significance.

  • Binanga

    Topik jurnal Binanga mencakup kajian kritis atas pengelolaan sumberdaya alam baik dari segi teoritis dan praktis. Binanga juga dapat berkontribusi menghubungkan kedua area penting tersebut. Jurnal ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan maksud menyediakan akses bacaan ilmiah bermutu kepada publik Indonesia. Kemudian, cakupan geografis menyasar kawasan perdesaan di Indonesia, baik daratan dan kepulauan. Binanga dapat menerbitkan artikel yang mengulas selain cakupan geografis ini sepanjang memiliki relevansi yang kuat dengan kawasan perdesaan di Indonesia.


    Binanga encompasses comprehensive analyses of natural resource management, encompassing both theoretical and practical perspectives. Binanga has a role in connecting these two significant areas. This publication use Bahasa (Indonesian language) in order to facilitate the Indonesian public's access to high-quality scientific literature. The geography focuses on rural regions in Indonesia, including both the mainland and islands. Binanga has the ability to publish items that go beyond the geographic scope, as long as they are very relevant to rural areas in Indonesia.

    ISSN   : will be released soon

    Publisher: Forest and Society Research Group, Forestry Faculty of Universitas Hasanuddin


    Aims and Scope

    Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea focuses on issues of conservation of biological resources, including sustainable management of biological resources, social aspects, and policies in conservation. We are particularly interested in conservation issues in the biogeographical region of Wallacea, but strongly related conservation issues from other parts of the world are also welcome.

    Wallacea is a strategic biogeographical region located between two continents, Asia and Australia, so the biodiversity in this region is extremely unique and specific, characterized by a high level of endemism. However, on the other hand, the conservation of biological resources in this region is under threat from overcrowding and an increasing population. Various approaches need to be continuously pursued in the context of managing existing biological resources to ensure their sustainable availability for the welfare of the people in this region.


  • World Conference on Governance and Social Sciences

    In our interconnected world, urgent attention and collaborative action are required to address a complex web of global challenges. These challenges include climate change, global poverty, post-pandemic economic slowdown, corruption, democratic deficit, artificial intelligence, technological disruptions, and geopolitical conflicts. These issues are intricately interplayed, making their solutions multifaceted and interdependent. To explore and discuss these challenges within the context of social and political sciences, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, at Hasanuddin University, is organizing the World Conference on Governance and Social Sciences (WCGSS) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This conference calls on scholars, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to identify sustainable development solutions for our rapidly evolving world.

  • International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME)

    International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME)

  • Jurnal Sejarah Indonesia

    Jurnal Sejarah Indonesia (JSI) is a journal published by the Perkumpulan Prodi Sejarah Se-Indonesia (PPSI) in collaboration with the Department of History, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Hasanuddin. JSI was first published in 2018 in a print edition with the ISSN (print) 2621-1580 and ISSN (electronic) 3032-4564. JSI is published twice a year, in May and November. JSI accepts a variety of formats, including articles from scholarly forums, review essays, and special issues covering all fields and periods in Indonesian history, such as social, cultural, political, and economic history, with diverse approaches. JSI editors also accept book reviews. Articles can be written in both Indonesian and English.

    Name of Journal Jurnal Sejarah Indonesia
    Initials JSI
    Abbreviation J. Sej. Indonesia
    Issued Twice a year | May and November
    DOI 10.62924/jsi
    ISSN (electronic) 3032-4564
    Publisher Perkumpulan Prodi Sejarah Se-Indonesia
    Citation analysis Google Scholar l Garuda l Dimensions


  • Nusantara Community Development Journal

    Nusantara Community Development Journal (NCDJ) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published two times per year. The journal particularly aims to advance theory, practice, research, and policy in effort to make a significant and novel contribution to the field of community health development. Accordingly, the journal welcomes research article, review, and report of community activities in the educative, promotive, and preventive, especially in the health sector.

    Submitting to the Journal

    NCDJ utilizes an online submission and peer review platform that provides authors with the ability to monitor the progress of their manuscript, leading to faster processing times. To ensure efficient handling of submissions, NCDJ only accepts manuscripts submitted through this platform. Authors must create a NCDJ account to submit their work. Any manuscripts submitted through alternative channels will be automatically disregarded. For detailed instructions on our submission system, please consult the Author Guidelines.

  • International Nursing and Health Science Students and Healthcare Professional

    International Nursing and Health Science Students and Healthcare

  • Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea

    Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea was found in 2012. Initially, this journal was a regular scientifically reviewed printed journal focusing on forestry sciences and managed by the Environmental and Forestry Research and Development Institute, Makassar, Indonesia. Online submissions started in November 2015 and are then published periodically biannually in March and August on the eJournal platform. Since 2023, this journal has been managed by the Forest Conservation Study Program, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, and the focus of the study is adjusted to the Conservation of Biological Resources. We are particularly interested in conservation issues in the biogeographical region of Wallacea, but related conservation issues from other parts of the world are also welcome.

    ISSN   : 2302-299X, eISSN 2407-7860

    Publisher: Forestry Faculty of Hasanuddin University


    Aims and Scope

    Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea focuses on issues of conservation of biological resources, including sustainable management of biological resources, social aspects, and policies in conservation. We are particularly interested in conservation issues in the biogeographical region of Wallacea, but strongly related conservation issues from other parts of the world are also welcome.

    Wallacea is a strategic biogeographical region located between two continents, Asia and Australia, so the biodiversity in this region is extremely unique and specific, characterized by a high level of endemism. However, on the other hand, the conservation of biological resources in this region is under threat from overcrowding and an increasing population. Various approaches need to be continuously pursued in the context of managing existing biological resources to ensure their sustainable availability for the welfare of the people in this region.

    Journal Accreditation

    Currently, Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea has been accepted for indexing and coverage by Scopus. We are also accredited SINTA 2 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECRT/Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia through the decree of number: 158/E/KPT/2021 on December 09th, 2021. Accreditation certificate is available at: download the certificate (pdf).

  • Mining and Earth Resources Journal (MINER-J)

    Mining and Earth Resources Journal (MINER-J)

    Fakultas Teknik Unhas

  • Management Dynamics Conference 8

    Management Dynamics Conference 8 yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Indigenous Agriculture

    Journal Title:  Indigenous Agriculture
    Initials: IA
    Frequency: 3 issues a year (March-June-December)
    ISSN: 2986-9943 (Online)
    Editor-in-chief: Prof. Ir. Muhammad Arsyad, Ph.D
    Executive Editor: Prof. Andi Dirpan, Ph.D
    Publisher: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin collaboration with AJPI and PERHEPI
    Citation: Google Scholar 

  • Hasanuddin Notary Journal

    Hasanuddin Notary Journal

    Fakultas Hukum Unhas

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Maritime Studies

    Hasanuddin Journal of Maritime Studies

    Fakultas Hukum Unhas

  • Psychoverum: Journal of Behavioral Science and Individual Differences

    Psychoverum: Journal of Behavioral Science and Individual Differences is a blind peer-review journal, dedicated to publishing high-quality research which can expand the knowledge and understanding about human behaviour and factors that influence it. Psychoverum is professionally organized and published by the Psychology Study Program of Universitas Hasanuddin. More about us.

  • Jurnal Nomokrasi

    NOMOKRASI adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh  Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Lembaga Debat Hukum dan Konstitusi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal Nomokrasi adalah jurnal akses terbuka yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah bagi mahasiswa fakultas hukum di seluruh Indonesia. Jurnal Nomokrasi berfokus pada kajian seputar Isu Hukum dan Konstitusi.

    Jurnal Nomokrasi melakukan penerbitan sekali dalam setahun. Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan akan melalui proses review double-blind. Sehingga keputusan diterima atau tidaknya artikel ilmiah menjadi hak Dewan Redaksi berdasarkan rekomendasi dari peer reviewer.

    Harap membaca dan memahami pedoman dan format penulisan yang telah kami sediakan. Naskah yang tidak sesuai dengan pedoman dan format penulisan artikel, akan ditolak oleh tim redaksi sebelum ditinjau lebih lanjut.

    Lawan Bicara Kawan Berpikir

  • Jurnal Riset & Teknologi Terapan Kemaritiman

    Jurnal Riset & Teknologi Terapan Kemaritiman (JRT2K) adalah sebuah jurnal nasional yang dikelola oleh departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin. JRTK mempublikasikan makalah-makalah hasil penelitian dan pengabdian yang berhubungan dengan bidang kemaritiman. JRT2K mempunyai e-ISSN: 2962-3359 yang berlaku mulai edisi Juni 2022.

  • Hasanuddin Civil and Bussiness Law Review

    Hasanuddin Civil and Bussiness Law Review (HCBLR) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Civil Law Department, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University twice a year in January and July. Hasanuddin Civil and Bussiness Law Review (HCBLR) is an open access, peer-reviewed law journal in the field of Indonesia's Civil Law. Hasanuddin Civil and Bussiness Law Review encompasses recent research and scholarly discussion on Civil Law in general, as well as specialised area of Civil Law, including but not limited to: Civil Law, Company Law, Bankcruptcy Law, IPR, Business, Competition Law, Banking Law, Consumer Protection Law, Financial Law, Personal and Family Law, Property Law, Contract Law, and Guarantee Law.

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Applied Business and Entrepreneurship

    Hasanuddin Journal of Applied Business and Entrepreneurship (HJABE) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University. HJBE published quarterly in January, April, July, and October. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. HJABE carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of business, management and entrepreneurship. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and download.

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Strategic and International Studies (HJSIS)

    Hasanuddin Journal of Strategic and International Studies (HJSIS) is an open-access and international peer-reviewed journal. Our main objective is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners that enrich understanding and contributes to the past, current, and future discourse and issues of strategic and international studies relevant to the Indo-Pacific region. The article should address multidisciplinary research on theoretical and empirical questions in the topic around: strategic studies, international relations, international politics and security, international political economy, transnational society, international diplomacy and negotiation, international and regional organization, governance & democracy, terrorism and transnational organized crimes. HJSIS encourage a robust analysis and rigorous methodologies (quantitative or qualitative or mix-method) written in an engaging and analytical article style so that it promotes new ideas, discourse, controversy, and solid reflection theoretically or practically toward Indo-Pacific’s strategic and international studies issues.

    HJSIS is published twice a year, in June and December, by Hasanuddin University. All submitted articles shall never be published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to HJSIS will undergo a thorough single-blind peer-review process. Editorial Board decides the acceptance of articles based on the reviewer's recommendation.


  • Hasanuddin Journal of Business Strategy

    Hasanuddin Journal of Business Strategy (HJBS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University. It is an open-access online journal in the field of applied management. The Journal is published four times a year in February, May, July, and October. Online ISSN of the Journal is 2656-2707. The journal is designed for professionals and researchers to convey their findings on business concepts, thoughts, and new strategies for business viability and competitiveness in manufacturing and service companies, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Focus topics include but are not limited to aspects of innovation in products and processes, entrepreneurship, corporate finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and logistics.

  • Hasanuddin Review on Sustainable Development

    Hasanuddin Review on Sustainable Development (HiRoSD) is managed by the SDGs Center of Universitas Hasanuddin. This journal is published twice a year, in April and October. The scope of the discussion covers social economic issues which are related to the sustainable development. HiRoSD has been registered on the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for an online media since the Volume 1 Number 1 April 2023. Its ISSN’s number is 2986-4569

  • Bulletin of Socioeconomic Studies

    Bulletin of Socioeconomic Studies (BoSS) is managed by the SDGs Center of Universitas Hasanuddin. This journal is published twice a year, in June and December. The scope of the discussion covers social economic issues which are related to the sustainable development. BoSS has been registered on the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for an online media since the Volume 1 Number 1 June 2023. The ISSN’s number is

  • Jurnal Ekonomika dan Dinamika Sosial

    JEDS (Jurnal Ekonomika dan Dinamika Sosial) dikelola oleh Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini diterbitkan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun, pada bulan Februari dan Agustus. Cakupan pembahasan (scope) yang termasuk pada kajian jurnal ini meliputi isu-isu ekonomi dan juga isu-isu sosial secara umum, terutama yang terkait dengan dinamika sosial. Jurnal Ekonomika dan Dinamika Sosial telah teregistrasi dan mendapatkan International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) untuk media online mulai edisi Volume 1 Nomor 1 April 2022 . E-ISSN: 2829-2324

  • Politics and Humanism

    Journal of Politics and Humanism (JPH) UNHAS is an open access and peer-reviewed journal. Our main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various contemporary social and political issues such as politics and gender identity, society and digital disruption, civil society movements, community welfare, social development, citizenship and public management, politics & international security, politics, governance & democracy, radicalism and terrorism. JPH is published two times a year.

    ISSN ONLINE :  2962-8059

  • Hasanuddin Justice and Society

    Law, Society, and Development Department



  • Hasanuddin Jurnal Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fisip Unhas (H-IKON)

    H-IKON: HASANUDDIN JURNAL DEPARTEMEN ILMU KOMUNIKASI FISIP UNHAS memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah berdasarkan hasil penelitian kritis dan analisis terkait kajian komunikasi. H-IKON lebih berfokus pada penerbitan karya ilmiah terkait Komunikasi, Broadcasting, dan Jurnalistik yang menghadirkan kepada para pembacanya temuan-temuan terbaru, terluas, dan terpenting di bidang studi komunikasi. H-IKON diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Unhas dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.

    Artikel yang dimuat di Jurnal Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Unhas melalui proses double-blind peer-review. Oleh karena itu, keputusan untuk menerima artikel ilmiah menjadi hak Dewan Redaksi berdasarkan rekomendasi peer reviewer.

  • Jurnal Eksitasi

    Jurnal Eksitasi DTE-UH (JE-DTE-UH) mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang Teknik Elektro yang meliputi bidang Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer dan Sistem Kendali serta berbagai isu-isu lainnya terkait perkembangan terbaru dari teknologi pada bidang Teknik Elektro.

    e-ISSN : 2829-5110

  • Maritime Park: Journal of Maritime Technology and Society

    Maritime Park: Journal Of Maritime Technology and Society (e-ISSN: 2828-6669 p-ISSN: 2828-7010) is open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Ocean EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University in February, June, and October each year. Manuscripts that have been approved for publication have been reviewed by reviewers and are free to download via our website.

  • Journal of Aquatic Student

    Journal of Aquatic Student (JAS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Hasanuddin University. The journal is a scientific and independent journal covering original research student on marine science and fisheries, including : Marine Science, Aquatic  Resouces Management, Aquaculture, Marine and fisheries socioeconomics and culture, Fishing Technology, Fisheries processing technology. 

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Social & Political Sciences

    Hasanuddin Journal of Social & Political Sciences (HJSPS) is a peer-reviewed published by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University. The HJSPS publishes original research, policy brief, field notes, article and book reviews twice a year (June and December). The HJSPS aims to provide an open access platform of knowledge exchange for scholars, practitioners, policy analysts, and readers from all countries and all regions, and encourage original, theoretical, and empirical research.

  • JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development

    JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development includes a journal with an online system and is open access. This journal goes through a blind peer reviewed process by reviewers who are competent in their fields. Publishing this journal regularly 2 times a year,  February and August.
    JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development, is a journal that publishes research results in the field of aquaculture from Indonesia and around the world with the topics:

    • Aquaculture environment

    • Reproduction of aquaculture organisms

    • Fish parasites and diseases

    • Fish nutrition

    • Aquaculture technology systems

  • Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer

    Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually (January and July) by Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hasanuddin.

    Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on accounting. Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, functional areas of International and financial accounting; Management and cost accounting; Tax; Auditing; Accounting information systems; Accounting education; Environmental and social accounting; Accounting for non-profit organisations; Public sector accounting; Islamic Accounting; Islamic Auditing; Corporate governance; Ethical issues in accounting and financial reporting; and Corporate Social Responsibility.

    p-ISSN: 1979 - 1712          e-ISSN: 2829 - 0615

    Journal Template    Author Guideline    How to Submit

  • Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

    Development Policy and Management Review is a refereed journal that encompasses research and practices in development policy and public management. The Editors welcome original contributions on any aspect of development policy and management issues from interdisciplinary approaches in bridging the gap between scholarship and practice.

  • Jurnal Legislatif


    Jurnal Legislatif adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Lembaga Penalaran dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal Legislatif adalah jurnal akses terbuka yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah bagi akademisi dan praktisi hukum di seluruh Indonesia. Jurnal Legislatif berfokus pada kajian seputar Isu Hukum, artinya tidak terbatas pada bidang hukum tertentu.

    Jurnal Legislatif melakukan penerbitan setiap dua kali dalam setahun. Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan akan melalui proses review double-blind. Oleh karena itu, keputusan diterima atau tidaknya artikel ilmiah menjadi hak Dewan Redaksi berdasarkan rekomendasi dari peer reviewer.

    Penulis yang akan menyerahkan naskah, harap membaca dan memahami pedoman dan template yang telah kami sediakan. Apabila naskah yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan pedoman dan template, maka akan ditolak oleh tim redaksi sebelum ditinjau lebih lanjut. Tim Editorial hanya menerima naskah yang memenuhi persyaratan yang telah kami tentukan.

    ISSN: 2654-3982 | e- ISSN: 27228797

    Publisher: Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Lembaga Penalaran dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Fakulytas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin

  • Zona Laut Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan

    Zona Laut: Journal of Ocean Science and Technology Innovation (e-ISSN: 2721-5717 p-ISSN: 2747-2124) has been accredited Sinta 4 from the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.  This journal is open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Ocean EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University in March, July, and November every year. Manuscripts that have been approved for publication have been reviewed by reviewers and are free to download via our website. Starting from 2024, Zonalaut will accept and publish articles in English. This decision has been made to broaden the readership and authorship from various parts of the world, as well as to enhance the quality and relevance of the research published. Therefore, we urge all authors who wish to submit their manuscripts to Zonalaut to ensure that the manuscript is written in proper English. We greatly appreciate your attention and cooperation in this matter.

  • Hasanuddin Journal of International Affairs

    Hasanuddin Journal of International Affairs discusses both theoretical and empirical findings. The main theory and concepts should refer to studies of International Relations, International Security, International Political Economy, or International and Transnational Studies. The articles published in Hasanuddin Journal of International Affairs have been double blind-reviewed by peer reviewers. The decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not in this journal will be the Editorial Board’s right based on peer reviewer's recommendation.

    Please read and understand the author guidelines thoroughly. Author who submits a manuscript to the editors of Hasanuddin Journal of International Affairs should comply with the author guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. Editorial Team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.

  • Jurnal ABDI (Sosial, Budaya dan Sains)

    Welcome researchers and Scientists.

    ABDI Journal (Social, Cultural, and Science) is managed by the Hasanuddin University Student Activity Unit for Science and Scientific Reasoning (UKM KPI Unhas). The ABDI journal is a forum for the publication of research results carried out by academics and researchers throughout Indonesia which focuses on discussing three major subjects, namely social, cultural, and science. The scientific articles published in this journal are sourced from the research results of the KPI Unhas UKM Institute as well as research results from academies throughout Indonesia based on experimental research and Open Submission. This journal contains the latest scientific articles and contributes to community empowerment, the development of science and technology.

    #Jaya Penalaran!
    #Jaya UKM KPI Unhas!
    Student Activity Units
    Keilmuan dan Penalaran Ilmiah (KPI)
    Hasanuddin University

  • Jurnal Mahasiswa Antropologi

    JURNAL MAHASISWA ANTROPOLOGI adalah jurnal peer-reviewed dengan akses terbuka. Kami menerbitkan artikel dengan cepat dengan versi online, pada versi cetak diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada kategori topik yang telah ditentukan.

    Kami mengundang seluruh mahasiswa antropologi di Indonesia untuk kontribusi secara ilmiah tentang wacana-wacana kebudayaan di Indonesia dengan pendekatan Antropologi. Termasuk dalam kriteria hasil penelitian etnografi pada kelompok etnis tertentu, hasil penelitian lapangan dan terapan di bidang antropologi, teori/metodologi dalam antropologi.

  • Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Maritim

    Jurnal JKMM mempublikasikan artikel berdasarakan hasil penelitian orisinil yang terkait dengan kesehatan masyarakat dan atau disiplin ilmu yang terkait namun belum pernah dimuat serta dipublikasikan di media manapun.

    Publikasi JKMM ini dapat digunakan oleh praktisi kesehatan, mahasiswa, tenaga kesehatan, pengajar, dan pihak yang berkecimpung dengan kesehatan masyarakat. Jurnal ini akan diterbitkan 4 kali setahun.

  • JURNAL TEPAT : Applied Technology Journal for Community Engagement and Services

    TEPAT JOURNAL is an open accessed journal ( ),dedicated to accomodate scientific activities which are vocalised on technology applications in society

  • Lowland Technology International

    The Lowland Technology International Journal presents activity and research developments in Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Planning, Coastal Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering.

  • Jurnal Rekayasa Transportasi

    Jurnal Rekayasa Transportasi menyajikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam lingkup bidang Rekayasa Transportasi yg meliputi Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sistem Transportasi, Rekayasa dan Manajemen Lalu Lintas, Rekayasa dan Manajemen Jalan, Transportasi berbasis isu Lingkungan, Sistem Transportasi Cerdas, dan berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan Transportasi. JRT menerima artikel dari seluruh peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa yg melakukan penelitian di bidang Rekayasa Transportasi di Indonesia.
  • Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring (JPE)

    Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring (JPE) merupakan media publikasi ilmiah untuk hasil-hasil inovasi terkini dalam bidang kajian dan rekayasa ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keteknikan. Mulai tahun 2016, JPE-UNHAS terbit secara periodik sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun, yakni edisi Mei dan edisi November.  JPE diterbitkan oleh Divisi Publikasi, Center of Technology (CoT), Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin.
  • Jurnal Sarjana Ilmu Budaya

    Jurnal ini khusus memuat hasil penelitian tugas akhir mahasiswa. Kajian penelitian fokus dalam bidang bahasa, sastra, kebudayaan, sejarah, arkeologi dan teknologi pembelajaran. Artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, Arab, Inggris, Jepang, Prancis dan Mandarin. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 3 (Kali) kali setahun. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Departemen Asia Barat, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasanuddin


    SEHATI ABDI merupakan jurnal pengabdian

  • Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Hasanuddin

    The Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Hasanuddin (JPMH) is a scientific journal managed by PKKN Universitas Hasanuddin, focusing on the publication of community service activities. JPMH is committed to being a platform for academics and practitioners to share experiences, innovations, and sustainable community empowerment models. Articles published in JPMH are expected to provide practical solutions to various social, economic, cultural, educational, health, and environmental challenges within society. JPMH aims to facilitate direct contributions to the community by prioritizing service-based activities without research as its primary focus. This journal supports the dissemination of best practices in community service that positively impact social welfare and enhance the quality of life. JPMH is published regularly with E-ISSN 2722-6662. The journal invites academics, practitioners, and stakeholders to participate in publishing articles relevant to community service.

  • PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic

    PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini memuat hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan dan bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan karya ilmiah khususnya pada bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan. Setiap artikel yang dimuat diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi pada bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan.

    PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic diterbitkan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal ini memuat artikel ilmiah dalam bidang :

    • Sosiologi dan Kelembagaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 

    • Ekonomi Sumber Daya Perikanan

    • Ekonomi dan Manajemen Wisata Bahari

    • Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Perikanan

    • Kebijakan Perikanan dan Kelautan

    • Manajemen Bisnis dan Industri Perikanan dan Kelautan

    • Tataniaga dan Manajemen Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan  

    E-ISSN : 2775-7196


  • Jurnal Ecosolum

    Jurnal Ecosolum (JES) adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin. JES mulai terbit pada tahun 2012 dan menjadi open accsess journal (OJS) sejak tahun 2018. JES terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. JES merupakan sarana publikasi bagi para akademisi dan peneliti untuk menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian (original research article) di bidang ilmu tanah dan lingkungan. Jurnal ini menjadi media dalam menjembatani para peneliti maupun akademisi untuk memberikan solusi dalam segala permasalahan yang terdapat dalam bidang pertanian maupun lingkungan. Selain itu, jurnal ini akan menambah khasanah perkembangan ilmu pengetahun khususnya di bidang ilmu yang terkait.






    ISSN Online: 2654-430X |ISSN Print: 2252-7923

  • SENSISTEK:Riset Sains dan Teknologi Kelautan

    SENSISTEK is a collection of student works in the form of scientific journals from the Department of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. It aims to answer whether research on marine technology by universities, research institutions and industry can contribute to this issue. This journal is expected to contribute to exchanging information, experiences, and thoughts and strengthen the cooperation network between institutions, institutions and industries nationally. So that scientific communication occurs between students and researchers, industry and education.

  • Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science

    Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science (J Dentomaxillofac Sci) is an international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal published in English language. Our journal aims to keep dentists informed of developments and advances in general dentistry and its different specialties in an easy-to-read format. Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science publishes original, innovative, updated, and applicative research articles in all aspects of dental, jaw and face development and Science including oral biology; dental material science and technology; oral and maxillofacial surgery; pedodontics; dental public health, epidemiology, preventive and community dentistry; conservative dentistry; periodontics; prosthodontics; orthodontics; oral medicine; dentomaxillofacial radiology; as well as with their development through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.

    This journal is published by DiscoverSys Inc., Canada on behalf of Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia also collaborative with Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI).  The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. Information from around the globe is presented in this three monthly cost-free publication every April, August, and December. Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science is included in many reputable abstracting and indexing databases: Google Scholar, IPI, SINTA, DOAJ, Crossref. We are moving forward to be indexed in ACI, ESCI, SCIE, Web of Science Core Collection, and Scopus. This Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • JURNAL : Khazanah Pengabdian


    Khazanah Pengabdian adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Asia Barat, Prodi Sastra Arab, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Jurnal ini khusus menerbitkan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh para dosen perguruan tinggi, khususnya di Indonesia. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dimaksud adalah desiminasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dari perguruan tinggi kepada masyarakat. Laporan pengabdian tersebut ditulis dalam bentuk artikel sesuai pedoman penulisan artikel pada jurnal ini. Selain itu, jurnal ini juga menerima artikel hasil laporan pengabdian dari institusi non-pendidikan tinggi.

  • Jurnal Nasional Ilmu Kesehatan

    Jurnal Nasional Ilmu Kesehatan (JNIK) adalah jurnal yang dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Hasanuddin.

    Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah yang berfokus pada bidang kesehatan.

  • Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Humaniora

    JPSH : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS). Naskah yg diterima meliputi hasil kajian atau artikel yang berhubungan dengan isu-isu sosial, politik dan humaniora. JPSH di terbitkan 3 (tiga) kali dalam sethaun yakni pada bulan Februani, Juni dan Oktober.
  • Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agrokompleks

    Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agrokompleks (JPPA) adalah jurnal berkalah ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini berisi hasil-hasil penghiliran penelitian pada bidang ilmu pertanian, perikanan, kelautan, kehutanan dan peternakan yang tergabung dalam bidang agrokompleks. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan, Juni dan Oktober.


    ISSN Online :2621-6523

  • Jurnal Keteknikan dan Sains (JUTEKS)

    Jurnal Keteknikan dan Sains (JUTEKS) adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini berisi hasil-hasil penghiliran penelitian pada bidang ilmu teknik dan rekayasa; matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam; serta turunan dari bidang ilmu Teknik dan sains. Jurnal ini diterbitkan tigakali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Februari, Juni, dan Oktober.

  • Majalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi

    Majalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi focuses on the results of research or literature review in the multi fields of pharmacy, especially the pharmacology of Indonesian natural products. The topics may include but are not limited to various fields such a pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, pharmaceutical microbiology and biotechnology, social-economy pharmacy, clinical pharmacy.

    At present, Majalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi is accredited SINTA 3 by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) DIKTI No. 36/E/KPT/2019.

    Starting from Volume 25, Majalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi will accept manuscripts written as Original article (Research article), Systematic Review article, and Review article. 

  • Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan

    Buku Prosiding

    Buku Prosiding ini berisi artikel-artikel yang telah dipresentasikan dalam Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan dan telah melalui proses review sebelum diterbitkan. Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan ini dilakukan setiap pertengahan tahun oleh Fakutas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan (FIKP), Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

    e-ISSN 9262-9632

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health

    Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health is a periodical scientific journal published by the Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University since 2020, with eISSN 2721-2408. Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers) with focus and scope including: Epidemiology, Health Education and Promotion, Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Health Administration and Policy, Biostatistics, Reproductive Health, Hospital Management, Nutrition Sciene, Health Information System.

  • Panrita Budaya



    Panrita Budaya diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Budya Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini diterbitkan secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun dengan periode Maret - Oktober. Jurnal ini memuat hasil-hasil penelitian dan kajian dalam bidang ilmu bahasa, sastra, budaya, dan pengajarannya.

  • International Journal of Malay-Nusantara Studies

    International Journal of Malay-Nusantara Studies (IJoM-NS) is dedicated to studies on humanities, especially archeology, history, culture, and language, in Malay-Nusantara world. It is annually published in May and November.

    (>>Full Archives) 

  • Hasanuddin Journal of Animal Science (HAJAS)

    Hasanuddin Journal of Animal Science (HAJAS) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Animal Science Hasanuddin University twice a year in May and November.




  • Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal (ICON Journal)

    Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal (ICON Journal) is an international scientific journal with focus on an ongoing discussion related contemporary nursing issue in Indonesia and we also welcome any studies beyond Indonesia which contribute to global nursing and health practices.

    The journal was first published in 2016 and is owned by Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin. Since 2019, the Journal has been accredited nationally as 3rd Grade or SINTA 3 National Accreditation. 

    ISSN (Print) 2528-2557 | ISSN (Online) 2686-116X

    Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Kampus Tamalanrea Makassar 90245. Nomor Kontak : Nurlaila Fitriani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J Telp : +62 823-9675-2993. Email :

  • ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities

    ELS-JISH (E-ISSN: 2621-0835 | P-ISSN: 2621-0843) is a journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities: Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture, a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published quartely by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin University, focusing on theories, methods, and materials in Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture (study and research). It provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academics, professionals, educators, consultants, practitioners and postgraduate students in the field of English Language Studies (ELS) to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on the disciplines. JISH was started in 2017 and first published in 2018. It invites original, previously unpublished, research and survey articles, plus research-in-progress reports and short research notes, on both practical and theoretical aspects of Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture.

  • Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research)

    Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of the Indonesian Veterinary Research) is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed, print and online journal that publishes in the form of original research, review, case study, short communication  in any areas of sciences of veterinary, animal sciences, biomedical sciences, biotechnology, biology, animal laboratory and biodiversity of animals. Manuscript should be produced from latest research or study. Manuscript is written in English. (ISSN Print: 2614-0187, ISSN Online: 2615-2835).

    Indexing and Abstracting:Sinta (S4), Google Scholar, Garuda, Asean Citation Index, CiteFactor, OneSearch, DRJI, Index Copernicus, BASE, Crossref


  • Open Journal of Mathematics and Applications

    Open Journal of Mathematics and Applications (OJMA) is a refereed journal and publishes research article in any areas of mathematics together with applications such as algebra, analysis, statistics, combinatorics, computer sciences, graph theory, and other related topics. OJMA is published by Department of Mathematics  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University.

    All research articles as well as surveys and articles of more general interest are welcome. All papers will be refereed in the normal manner of mathematical journals to maintain the high standards. Full-text of OJMA access to all papers is available for free.

    This journal is sponsored by Department of Mathematics  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University. 

  • International Journal of Applied Biology

    International Journal of Applied Biology is an international, peer reviewed journal, publishing high-quality research. International Journal of Applied Biology provides a forum for all stakeholders in the biology sector, featuring review articles, original research, commentaries, news, research and development spotlights, interviews with key opinion leaders and much more, with a view to establishing an international community of biology communication. Articles published in International Journal of Applied Biology cover key areas in the development and application of biology, such as: Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Medicine, Bioremediation, Bioenergy, Bioprocess and Bioproduction Technology.

    International Journal of Applied Biology only publishes manuscripts in English. Please see the journal’s Focus & Scope for information about its Scope and peer-review policy. International Journal of Applied Biology is available in print and online version.

    p-ISSN : 2580-2410      e-ISSN : 2580-2119




    Jurnal Geocelebes is a peer-reviewed and scientific journal published which is intended as a means of scientific publication in the field of geophysics ranging from theoretical topics to the topic topics of geophysical applications in various fields. The published papers are original research results, reviews of recent advances from a particular topic, geophysical application case studies or reviews of geophysical-related software.

    Jurnal Geocelebes is published twice a year in April and October by the Department of Geophysics, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

    Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the scope of the Jurnal Geocelebes. Please read the information on the Focus and Scope. The articles published in Jurnal Geocelebes are going through a double-blind peer-review process. Hence, the decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not, will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation.

    Please read and understand the author's guidelines for the preparation manuscript. The author who submits a manuscript to the editors should comply with the author's guidelines and template. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The editorial team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.

  • Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition)

    Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition)is a scientific journal published by Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health with e-issn: 2686-1909, p-issn: 2302-8807.

    Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers) with following focus and scope: nutrition and food technology, epidemiology, biomolecular, mother and child health, health and nutrition policy, and health behaviour and promotion.

    Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition) is collaborated with Professional Organisation such as Pergizi Pangan Indonesia in terms of helping advancement of nutrition science and disseminating research results.

  • Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat

    Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini berisi hasil-hasil penghiliran penelitian pada bidang agrokompleks, medikal, teknosains, dan sosbudkum dan diterbitkan empat kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Januari, April, Juli, dan Oktober. Artikel yang terbit akan dikenakan biaya publikasi sebesar Rp 450.000,- (Empat Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah).



    Akreditasi berlaku semua terbitan mulai Volume 1 Nomor 2 tahun 2017

  • Hasanuddin Student Journal

    Hasanuddin Student Journal (HSJ) adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Hasanuddin. HSJ menjadi sarana publikasi bagi mahasiswa ataupun khalayak lainnya untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya di berbagai bidang.

    HSJ menerima publikasi berupa naskah penelitian, review artikel, dan editorial dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ini sebaiknya masuk dalam lingkup jurnal diantaranya kesehatan, pangan, dan gizi; seni, budaya, dan industri kreatif; perubahan iklim, keragaman hayati, dan pengelolaan bencana; teknologi informasi, komunikasi, dan teknologi manufaktur; otonomi daerah, pengentasan kemiskinan, dan sosial kemasyarakatan; ketersediaan energi, energi baru, dan terbarukan. Jurnal akan dipublikasikan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

    ISSN Online: 2579-7867 | ISSN Print: 2579-7859

  • Amanna Gappa

    Amanna Gappa adalah jurnal yang memenuhi standar pengelolaan yang professional, dan berkomitmen menerbitkan artikel berkualitas dari ragam kasus kasus hukum yang unik dan penting baik untuk kontribusi bagi pengetahuan dunia hukum, maupun kontribusi praktikal.

    Kasus kasus hukum yang khas ini dapat berupa studi kasus hukum adat dan ulayat, perniagaan, tata kelola lahan dan agraria, otonomi-desentralisasi berikut trend resentralisasi yang terjadi khususnya di Indonesia. Kami dapat menerima naskah yang mengulas selain dari wilayah Indonesia sepanjang memiliki relevansi yang kuat dengan kasus dan sengketa hukum Indonesia. Kami menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dalam mempublikasikan artikel kami dengan maksud mendekatkan artikel kami dengan audiensi khas di Indonesia, serta berkomitmen menyediakan artikel berkualitas dengan bahasa Indonesia.  

    Amanna Gappa is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, air and space law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship. 

    Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the scope of the Hasanuddin Law Review. Please read the information on the peer-review process. The articles published in HALREV are going through a double-blind peer-review process. Hence, the decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not, will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation.

    Please read and understand the author's guidelines for the preparation manuscript. The author who submits a manuscript to the editors should comply with the author's guidelines and template. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The editorial team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.


    ISSN Online: 2549-9785 | ISSN Print: 0853-1609

    Publisher: Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

  • Jurnal Sosial Nusantara

    Jurnal Sosial Nusantara merupakan jurnal ilmiah ilmu-ilmu sosial yang menyajikan hasil penelitian maupun pemikiran yang bersumber dari konteks Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan (Nusantara) yang memiliki beragam fenomena sosial yang menarik untuk dikaji secara ilmiah. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Forum Dekan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial se-Indonesia dua kali dalam setahun, setiap bulan Januari dan Juli.
  • Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE

    The Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality articles dedicated to all aspects of Marine Science. The Journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published (or submitted simultaneously), at any language, elsewhere. Contributions are in English. The journal published by Study Program of Marine Science, University Hasanuddin with E-ISSN: 2614-5049, P-ISSN: 2460-0156.

    BIOMA : Jurnal Biologi Makassar is a scientific journal that publishes the results of original research and studies of biological literature. Focus and scope of bioma in the fields of pure biology and applied biology of agricultural complexes, medical complexes and the environment. This journal is published by the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.  Bioma has been reaccredited with decisions letter of number : 204/E/KPT/ 2022 on October 2022 (SINTA 5) for volume 7 issue 1, 2022 to volume 11 issue 2, 2026, by the Ministry of education, culture, research and technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Bioma publishes manuscripts in June and December every year.

  • Jurnal Lanskap dan Lingkungan (Julia)

    Jurnal Lanskap dan Lingkungan (JULIA) bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi, memberikan kontribusi yang membahas segala aspek dengan lanskap dan lingkungan. Lingkup kajian menyangkut perencanaan, desain, pembangunan dan pengelolaan lanskap dan lingkungan. JULIA juga menerima kajian metode penelitian khusus untuk bidang arsitektur lanskap.

  • Nady Al-Adab : Jurnal Bahasa Arab

    					View Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020): Nady al-Adab<br />


    The Journal Nady al-Adab : Jurnal Bahasa Arab (JNA) is the leading journal specializing in the study of Arabic literature. Founded in 2003, JNA seeks critically and theoretically engaged work at the forefront of the field, written for a global audience comprised of the researchers, the instructors, the observers, and the students in Arabic. JNA publishes language, literature, and Arabic culture studies as well as book reviews on Arabic literature broadly understood– classical and modern, written and oral, poetry and prose, literary and colloquial, as well as work situated in comparative and interdisciplinary studies.

  • Jurnal Agrivigor

    JURNAL AGRIVIGOR (JA) merupakan jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk menghasilkan karya yang berkualitas. jurnal ini mencakup penelitian agrokompleks secara luas . Semua publikasi di Jurnal Agrivigor bersifat open access , sehingga setiap orang dapat mengunjungi dan membaca seluruh karaya publikasi di jurnal ini. 

  • Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian

    Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) is a publication media for community service activities in the fields of agro-complex, science, and social society in the form of the application of science and technology and increased community empowerment.

    Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian has been published since 2015 with the first issue (JDP Vol. 1 No.1) in October 2015 followed by the publication of the second edition (Vol. 1 No.2) in May 2016. Both of these first editions are printed editions. Until now, this journal is published twice a year in May and October.

  • Fundamental and Applied Researches on Industrial Engineering Journal (FARIEJ)

    Fundamental and Applied Researches on Industrial Engineering Journal (FARIEJ) is a full double blind peer-reviewed open access journal covering all aspects of Industrial Engineering. It is fully supported by the Industrial Engineering Department Hasanuddin University - Indonesia. FARIEJ if free for both readers and publisher.
    FARIEJ aims to provide a global platform for academicians, researches, and practitioners to promote, share, exchange, and discuss various new issues and ideas in the field of Industrial Engineering in order to identify the "cutting edges" in Industrial Engineering world.
    All manuscripts must be prepared in English or Bahasa Indonesia (with an English Title, Abstract, and Keywords) and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process.

  • JBMI (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Informatika)

    Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen & Informatika (JBMI) published by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University.

    ISSN 0216-4132 (Print)

    ISSN 2579-7204 (Online)

    It is our immense pleasure to invite you to submit your manuscript in JBMI which published thrice a year (in February, June, and October).

    For paper submission and more information, please contact the editorial team.

  • Marina Chimica Acta

    When the first time appeared in 1999, Marina Chimica Acta was introduced as trilingual journal meaning that we can accept to publish articles in any kind of three languages such as bahasa Indonesia, English, and French. Starting April 2017, however, the publication has been made in English only, no more in bahasa Indonesia nor in French. Currently, Marina Chimica Acta is an international medium and occasional reviews of the publications of original studies (research papers) and occasional reviews in the field of marine chemistry. The journal will endeavor to cover all aspects, from chemical processes to theoretical and experimental work, and by providing a central channel of communication, to speed the flow of information in rapidly expanding disciplines. Submitted paper should be written in English.

  • Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi


    e-ISSN: 2614-8811,    p-ISSN:1858-1382

    Welcome to Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi (Supported by The Indonesian Mathematician Society -IndoMS). Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi is published   on January, May and September by Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
    JMSK welcomes original papers in Indonesia Language (Bahasa) or in English for scope: Mathematics for the development of mathematical sciences, statistics, computation, or mathematics Education.


    INDEXED BY:      
  • Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta)

    Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta) is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of chemistry. The result of research and development in the fields of chemistry in both experimental and theory/ computation, chemical-based technological innovations, and chemical applications in industrial fields. The journal publishes original research articles or review articles in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental chemistry. Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta) is a journal published by Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, where it was published twice in a year in June and December.

    The Journal has been accredited by Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional (ARJUNA) officially Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Third Grade (SINTA 3) since year 2019 to 2023 according to the decree Number 28/E/KPT/2019.

    p-ISSN: 2085-014X        e-ISSN: 2655-6049

  • Nusantara Medical Science Journal

    Nusantara Medical Science Journal (NMSJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University twice a year in June and December. NMSJ encompasses basic, molecular, and clinical aspects of medical sciences, including diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, especially in Asia settings.

    This journal publishes review articles, case reports, and original articles. All papers published in NMSJ are freely available as downloadable pdf files. NMSJ is accredited by the Directorate of General Higher Education, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Indonesia.

    Starting in 2021, Nusantara Medical Science Journal will only accept manuscripts in English.

    Average Processing Time:

    • First submission to first decision: 7 - 14 days

    • First decision to acceptance : 45 - 60 days

    • Acceptance to publication : 7 - 21 days


    ISSN (Print) : 2460-9757 | ISSN (Online):  2597-7288


  • Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

    Journal of Agriculture Socio-Economics published by Hasanuddin University. This journal is published three times a year in February, June, and October.

    This journal focuses on the socio-economics of agriculture which includes agribusiness, sociological agriculture, agricultural economics, agricultural extension, food and nutrition, agricultural development planning, agricultural institutions, and agricultural policies.

    The scope of the study of the Agricultural Socio-Economic Journal (JSEP) includes articles on research results or review articles related to starting from upstream to downstream.

  • Jurnal Penelitian Geosains

    Jurnal Penelitian GEOSAINS (JPG) diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Geologi Universitas Hasanuddin secara berkala dua kali setahun dengan periode Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember yang memuat hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang ilmu geologi, geofisika, geokimia, teknik pertambangan, geoteknik, vulkanologi, geotermal dan bidang kebumian lainnya yang relevan
  • Buletin Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak

    Judul Terbitan       : Buletin Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak
    Frekuensi Terbit   : 2 issue per tahun (April dan Oktober)
    Media Terbitan    : Cetak dan Online
    Jenis Terbitan       : Ilmiah

    Buletin Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang terbitkan oleh Departemen Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian dan pengabdian pada masyarakat dibidang Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak.

    Buletin Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak pertama kali terbit versi cetak pada April 1991. Selanjutnya diterima pengajuan print ISSN pada pada volume 09 Mei 2000 dengan nomor SK ISSN adalah 34.152/IV.3.05/ISSN/2000.

    Jurnal ini telah memiliki p-ISSN: 1411-4577 dan E-ISSN: 2985-7694

  • Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan

    Jurnal Riset Teknologi Kelautan(JRTK) adalah jurnal ilmiah
    berseri terbit dua kali setahun yang berisi artikel dari hasil
    penelitian maupun pemikiran konseptual dalam bidang teknologi
    kelautan (perkapalan, sistem perkapalan, produksi bangunan laut,
    transportasi laut, teknik pantai, dan dan teknologi kelautan).
  • Journal of Society and Governance

    Journal of Society and Governance (JSG)publishes original and quality research, literature reviews, conceptual papers and book reviews twice a year (January and July) related to social sciences, including (but not limited) to sociology, political sciences, public administration, public policy, communication studies, journalism, public relations, cultural anthropology, local government, international relations, and development studies

  • Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia

    Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (MKMI) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University since 2004. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia obtained the identity serial number with pISSN 0216-2482 in 2007 and eISSN 2356-4067 in 2014. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original research papers) with a focus on the development of public health issues problems in Indonesia, including the developments and main problems in the field of epidemiology; Health Promotion; Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Safety, Health Administration and Policy, Biostatistics, Reproductive Health, Hospital Management, Nutrition Science, Health Information Systems in Regional of Indonesia. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia collaborates with the Professional Organization of the Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI) in terms of assisting the advancement of public health science and the dissemination of research results. Although focused on the Indonesia region, MKMI does not preclude manuscript beyond the region which has correlative and/or comparable issues within that geographical scope.

    Articles published in Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia go through a double-blind peer-review process. Therefore, the decision to accept scientific articles is in the right of the Editorial Board based on peer reviewers' recommendations.


    Jurnal Ilmu Budaya (Journal of Cultural Sciences) is a scientific journal published by the French Literature Department of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, p-ISSN: 2354-7294 and e-ISSN: 2621-5101. JIB was officially published twice in publications, the period of June and December. JIB reports research results and studies in French language and culture, Frankofoni language and culture studies, linguistic studies, literature, cultural studies, and renewal. JIB accepts articles, research results, article reviews, and editorials in English, French, and Indonesian.

    Indexing by:





























  • Jurnal Ilmu Alam dan Lingkungan

    The journal will publish original research and review papers inall fields    of pure and applied Ecology (Plant, Animal and Human ecology), Environmental Sciences (all aspects of pollutions, conservation of environment, management of environment, rural and urban environment, social environment, population and environment, environmental economics, and various environmenta issues), Atmospheric Sciences (Climatology, Meteorology, Micrometeorology, Agricultural Meteorology, and Boundary Layer Climate), Greenhouse Gas Exchanges, Global Warming Issues, and conservation and management of Natural Resources, Biodiversity, and issues related to Sustainable Development. Both theoretical and experimental studies will be included. Case histories of environmental problems of different countries/regions and reports of recent meetings and conferences will also be published.


  • International Journal of Agriculture System

    International Journal of Agriculture System (Int. J. Agr. Syst.- IJAS) is published by Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) twice a year in June and December. This journal is an international, academic, citation indexed and blind peer reviewed which covers original research articles, short notes and communications, reviews (including book), concepts, commentaries, and letters on a diverse topic related to agricultural systems including forestry, fishery/marine and animal sciences.

    The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners to share/discuss theories, views, research results, on issues related to the science, engineering and technology, and humanities in agriculture development, management and issues in agricultural systems particularly in the tropics. However, any other articles related to non-tropical agricultural systems are also welcome

  • Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science

    Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science. The journal is a scientific and independent journal covering original research and review on science, engineering and technology, and humanities in fisheries and marine development, management and issues in fisheries and marine systems, including:

    • Aquatic biodiversity

    • Ecology and conservation

    • Marine and fisheries geographical information systems

    • Sustainable aquaculture

    • Sustainable fisheries

    • Marine technology and tourism

    • Marine and fisheries socioeconomic and culture

    • Marine and fisheries outreach and community service

    • Marine and fisheries law and development policy

    • Fisheries processing technology and food safety

    • Marine and fisheries biotechnology

    This journal has published papers on the field of marine science for the first time in 1996 and the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences as its publisher. In 2007, the Torani Journal had ISSN-p: 0853-4489S with Military and Nautical Engineering. Along with the advancement of science and technology in the field of fisheries and marine life, which has an impact on improving the results of research in the field of fisheries and marine affairs, in 2017 the TORANI: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Fisheries, revised the objectives and scope that covered all the results of research in fisheries and marine science with ISSN-e: 2615-6601 and ISSN-p: 2621-5322 with the publisher of Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries.

  • Jurnal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan

    Jurnal IPTEKS Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Hasanuddin University. The journal is a scientific and independent journal covering original research and review on fishing technology, fishing strategy and management, marine fisheries information system, and fish handling and processing technology, including:

    • Aquatic Science

    • Fishing Technology

    • Fishing Gear and vessel

    • Fishing Ground

    • Fish Handling and Processing

    • Fisheries Information System

    • Fishing Management

    • Fisheries Oceanography

    • Estimation of Fish Stock and Conservation

    This journal publishes papers in the field of marine and fisheries science for the first time in the April 2014 issue and the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences is its publisher. This journal is the Scientific Journal of Science, Technology, and the Art of Fisheries Resources Utilization which is published twice a year (April and October).

  • Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan

    Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan merupakan jurnal yang mewadahi publikasi hasil penelitian/studi di bidang peternakan meliputi: Produksi Ternak, Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Teknologi Hasil Ternak, dan Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun oleh Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin bekerjasama dengan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Sarjana Peternakan Indonesia.

    p-issn : 2086-6216            e-issn : 2476-9444

  • The Politics : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin

    The Politics : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin adalah publikasi ilmiah yang terbit setiap bulan Januari – Juni dan Juli – Desember. Artikel yang diterbitkan merupakan hasil seleksi dengan sistem double-blind review. The Politics menerima naskah dalam bentuk hasil penelitian, kajian teori, aplikasi teori, gagasan konseptual, dan resensi buku yang relevan dengan multidisiplin Ilmu Politik. Editorial The Politics memproses naskah yang belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya.

  • GOVERNMENT : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan

    GOVERNMENT: JURNAL ILMU PEMERINTAHAN adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mengangkat studi pemerintahan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis kritis. Setiap volume terdiri dari dua edisi yang terbit pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Artikel yang dimuat merupakan kajian dalam ilmu pemerintahan yang fokus dalam bidang tata kelola pemerintahan, kepemimpinan, birokrasi, kebijakan publik, dan politik. Government: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan diterbitkan oleh Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin.


    JUPITER adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala diterbitkan oleh UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Hasanuddin. JUPITER terbit 2 kali dalam setahun, pada Juni dan Desember. Fokus dan ruang lingkup meliputi bidang ilmu perpustakaan, dokumentasi Informasi serta teknologi komputer bidang perpustakaan.

    ISSN Print: 1693-5535 | ISSN Online: 2777-046X

  • JAKPP (Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan & Pelayanan Publik)


    Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Publik (Journal of Public Policy and Service Analysis) aims to disseminate unique scholarly content through a rigorous peer-review process, focusing on the expansive domain of public policy, public service and public administration. This encompasses the most up-to-date advancements in research, scholarly work, and practical applications in the fields of public policy, public administration, public service, public governance, public management, administrative theory, administrative history, and administrative politics, bureaucracy and administration development, decentralization and regional autonomy, public economic, and sustainable governance.

    JAKPP is going to publish journals twice in two terms: June and December.

  • SOCIUS : Jurnal Sosiologi

    Jurnal SOCIUS adalah media apresiasi, informasi dan komunikasi yang diterbitkan oleh
    Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Hasanuddin
    dalam rangka pengembangan Sosiologi di Indonedia. SOCIUS berisi tulisan ilmiah yang
    mencakup hasil penelitian, pengembangan teori dan metodologi. Redaksi SOCIUS
    pengundang para peneliti, sosiolog, peminat Sosiologi dan para mahasiswa Sosiologi
    untuk berdiskusi, menulis secara kreatif dan bebas demi pengembangan Sosiologi di
  • KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

    KAREBA: JURNAL ILMU KOMUNIKASI contains scientific articles based on the results of critical research and analysis related to communication studies. KAREBA is published by the Department of Communication Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences twice a year, in June and December


    PERENNIAL is an interdisciplinary journal that operates under an open access model, with the primary objective of disseminating high-quality articles in a timely manner. PERENNIAL is a scholarly journal that disseminates original research papers and review articles originating from Indonesia. Nevertheless, we also welcome submissions from other tropical nations, provided that they exhibit a strong thematic connection to Indonesia. Our research encompasses both theoretical and experimental investigations that pertain to various aspects of forest product technology and management. This includes, but is not limited to, wood science and technology, timber and non-timber processing and engineering, industrial manufacturing processes such as biomass conversion for energy, wood and wood-based composite machining, forest product utilisation policy, and wood biotechnology.

  • Forest and Society

    Forest and Society is an open-access journal published twice a year under a broad category of topics. We mainly invite scholars interested in Southeast Asia but do not limit work beyond its borders when engaging in comparative or timely policy topics relevant to the region. Forest and Society promote scholarly, theoretical, pragmatic, and contemporary research, making a clear conceptual and methodological contribution to existing international literature. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as: planning/management, geography, forestry, sociology, land-use, anthropology, history, legal studies, economics, environmental and sustainability studies, international relations, psychology, and others, particularly those that engage with people, land and forest.

    Our international editorial board seeks to fill a gap in the socio-ecological fields by promoting interdisciplinary work on studying human-environment relations, produced amidst and for those interested and located in the Southeast Asia region. The journal is not preferential to theoretical or applied research and seeks to serve as a bridge between knowledge levels. Current efforts are envisioned to gradually improve its quality alongside support to capacity-building initiatives to strengthen the region's quality of research.